lifestyle my favorite vegan instagram bloggers

My favorite vegan bloggers on Instagram – Manon aka Paris on the cake


Hello everyone!

Tonight I am bringing you a lovely woman, who has an amazing talent in decorating breakfast meals. Her name is Manon (@paris_on_the_cake) and you should definitely check out her page, if you want some inspiration. 🙂

Here are my favorite pictures from her


A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon


Manon P. (@paris_on_the_cake) által megosztott bejegyzés,


A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon


Manon P. (@paris_on_the_cake) által megosztott bejegyzés,


A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon


Manon P. (@paris_on_the_cake) által megosztott bejegyzés,


A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon


Manon P. (@paris_on_the_cake) által megosztott bejegyzés,

The interview with Manon

1. How old are you and where are you from?

I am 39 (Yes going to turn 40 next summer! Most of the people are telling me “you don’t look like 40 but anyway it’s happening!)

I am from Paris. I have always lived there.

2. Since when are you vegan?

I think I went vegan 6 months ago and I have been vegetarian for about 6 years before.

About being vegan for me there is no turning back!

3. Why did you decide to be vegan?

Many reasons! But on top of the list: the animals.

As I said I was vegetarian before and then I made the ethical connection!

I also started my Instagram account a year ago and discovered a lot of things:

  • how awful the dairy industry and the egg industry are
  • vegan food is pretty, delicious, healthy and easy to make!

4. What do your friends and family think about your decision?

My friends and family are really supportive.

I have vegan friends, vegetarian friends and family. 

Even my non vegan friends and family are coming with me to try new vegan food spots in Paris. Doesn’t mean they are going to change everything from one day to another but they ask questions, are happy to discover and never judge me.I really do believe that everyone has to have his own connection. But you can help them by answering questions and explaining how being vegan is a good thing for the animals, the planet and your health.

5. If you have a boyfriend/partner/husband, is he/she vegan too?

I have a partner who is not vegan yet but eating mostly vegan when he is with me (he doesn’t have choice ’cause I cook most of the time!). But I don’t give up about turning him vegan!

6. How do you feel since you went vegan?

Since I went vegan I feel very good.

I feel better in my body (I used to have stomach ache when I wasn’t vegan and this doesn’t happen anymore)

And I fell that the way I live is in harmony with my convictions.

7. How often are you sick?

I am rarely sick. I had a little cold lately but think it’s more due to the temperature changing and being very busy at work so feeling a little tired.

8. What is your favorite meal for breakfast/lunch/dinner?

For breakfast: I can’t choose one! I like pancakes, oatmeal, nicecreams, toasts…

For lunch: my favorite savory food is pizza, but of course I don’t eat that every day! Generally I’m having vegetables, with cereals and leguminous and a fruit for dessert.

For dinner it depends whether I’m hungry or not. Generally I don’t eat a lot for dinner. I like salads or soups in winter.

9. Do you think that eating plant based food is expensive? Where do you buy food?

I don’t think that eating plant based is expensive. It’s cheaper than buying meat or fish!

It can become expensive if you buy a lot of prepared food, but it’s the same if you are not vegan.

I buy my food in different places: a local organic garden that sells vegetables and fruits, organic shops and also super markets. It depends on what I need. Now here in France you can find many vegan options even in the supermarket such as vegan yoghurts.

10. What do you love the most about veganism?

I love this sentence which is a good resume: “my body is a temple not a grave”.

And I also believe that veganism is the only durable way of living (there is no planet B!)

11. Give some advice to beginners!

I hope that the upcoming generations are going to be the change. Children loves animals. They don’t want to hurt them. They were taught that you can kill animals in order to eat and that there are no other choices.

Everybody should take information about:

-What is really happening to the animals in the farms, in the sea the slaughter houses, the egg and dairy industry, the cosmetics industry and every industry who is hurting animals.

Watch movies about it.

I truly believe that lots of people doesn’t know what’s happening behind!

-How being vegan can be good for your health and the planet.


Thank you so much Manon for this interview! 🙂

I hope you like this interview series as much as I do. Please tell me, who is your favorite vegan. 🙂

You can read the previous interviews with Celia and Kaylie.

Have a good night!





About Author

Hello, I am Suzie the face behind Suzinpsire. I am here to share my passion for gastronomy, vegan lifestyle and travel. I believe that if you want something in life you should give something first. This is why I blog. :)

(6) Comments

  1. Michelle Rispah says:

    Wow, been following Manon for a while now & from her profile pic she looks in her twenties! Very lovely interview…😍

    1. Suzie says:

      Yes, she looks so young. 🙂 I am glad that you liked the interview 🙂

  2. Manon says:

    Thank you very much for giving me this great opportunity! 💕😘

    1. Suzie says:

      You are very welcome! 🙂

  3. Aurelien says:

    Such a great and inspirating interview.
    Well done Suzie and Manon!

    1. Suzie says:

      Thank you! I am glad you read it. 🙂

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