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10+ Reasons Why Going Vegan is The BEST Choice For You

going vegan

You probably already know who is a vegan. But if you don’t, read what can’t a vegan eat and what are the best vegan meals, and come back after, so I can tell you why going VEGAN is the BEST choice for You! 😉

Being vegan is more than a diet, it is a lifestyle. This choice you’re about to make is huge and will change your life completely… But in a good way! 🙂

going vegan best choice
Photo by Ella Olsson on Unsplash

Disclosure: Bear in mind that some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a small commission. Keep in mind that I only recommend products because I love them and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. You will buy the product(s) on the same price, and the decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.


So in brief, a vegan is who don’t eat animal products and don’t exploit animals at all means (including not wearing leather, fur, not visiting the Zoo, etc.).

If you are already vegan, save this article as a reminder. 🙂

If you are not vegan, think about why is that? Do you have a hard time giving up on meat or dairy? Is it the cheese, isn’t it?

Anyhow, you are reading this article. It means that you were thinking about going vegan, right? It would be nice of you, but still, you don’t have the right motivation yet. Neither did I. I loved meat, cheese, and chocolate. They were probably my favorite type of foods. I have never thought of giving up on any of them. Yet, I did. How could that happen? I had the right reasons! I think going vegan was the best choice I ever made! 🙂 Let me tell you why. 😉

going vegan best choice
Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

Reason #1 – You Will Save Animal Lives

I think it is the most obvious one, but still, let’s think about it a little bit. A lot of people love animals, maybe You are one of them. 🙂 So, if you love animals why would you want to hurt them?

You could say, that personally, you are not hurting them. Anyhow, you pay someone else to kill them and make you food from those poor little creatures… Don’t deny it, that is what you do if you buy meat. But I am not here to judge, that is your choice.

Here is this interesting presentation about why people eat meat, and why just a few species like poultry, cattle or pig. Why don’t we eat dogs or cats (I know that there are people who do)? I remember since when I was little I refused to eat rabbit or horse or other “cute” animals. I mostly ate chicken, because I said it is “ugly”. Truth is, I was just misleading myself. Anyway, watch this video, it is only 10 minutes!

So, can you understand the problem? 🙂 Every living being is equal and have the right to live and avoid pain. Why hurt them just to be your food? You have other options. 🙂

cute piglet
Too cute to be food…

Photo by Christopher Carson on Unsplash

I know that most people like numbers and statistics, thus I share with you mine. I’ve been vegan for 6 months now. 🙂

why go vegan stat
This is from this amazing website

I think this is a pretty good motivation. 😉

Reason #2 – You Will Barely Get Sick

Yep, this is true! 😉 Just ask any vegan – or wait, I did. Read the articles here.

Just one quote from the interviews:

How often are you sick?

Rarely. And if ever I feel like my immune system is getting weak, I recover far more quickly than I did before embracing veganism.”

Interview with FitFoodieKae

Why is that?

That is a rightful question. The answer is because of the vitamins! On a vegan diet (I mean wholefood plant-based), you will eat a lot of fruits & veggies. And we already know that they have lots of vitamins and minerals in them.

Other than that, you won’t be eating animal products, which cause inflammation in the body. And if your immune system doesn’t have to deal with the inflammation, it can focus on preventing the illness. 🙂

But the advantages of being vegan are far beyond that, which leads to the next reason.

Reason #3 – You Can Say Goodbye To Pain

Sounds unbelievable? Keep reading! 😉

why go vegan, say goodbye to pain
Photo from Pexels

As I wrote in the previous section if you eat animal products you constantly have inflammation in your system. It can cause pain! When you eat mostly vegetables and fruits, and no processed food, your body will be cleansed and detoxicated from all the bad things that you piled up over the years.

Of course, I can’t promise you anything, because all people are different, but I heard that from a lot of vegans. At least, you should give it a try! 😉

Proper eating is the key here! It is not enough to cut out animal products if you eat potato chips all day (you are still a vegan, but not healthy).

I will make a weekly meal plan soon, make sure to subscribe to my newsletter and be the first, who gets access to it! 🙂

Reason #4 – Bye-bye acne, hello pure skin!

I think we all want perfect, soft skin.

But have you always suffered from acne? Do you know the feeling when you wake up on an important day, you look in the mirror and a giant pimple is looking back at you? Yeah, it happened to me too…

But did you know that acne is a side effect of drinking milk or just consuming dairy products? Keeping that in mind, if you stop milk consumption, your acne will most likely disappear. 🙂 Sounds simple, right?

pure skin
Photo by Melan Cholia on Unsplash

Reason #5 – You Can Loose Those Extra Pounds!

Another good reason why going vegan is the best choice, is that you can loose weight easily and don’t have to torture yourself! 🙂

But it won’t work if you eat Oreos or white bread all the time. You should concentrate on whole foods like raw fruits, vegetables or legumes (beans). Check out my latest post for more vegan recipe ideas (not all of them are whole foods) or sign up to my newsletter, and I will share secret recipes with you!

Most of the vegan foods are low in calorie, that means, you can eat more of them, without exceeding your daily calorie limit. See the info chart below and you will understand. 🙂

the amount of food in a 100 calorie dose

Reason #6 – You Can Contribute to Saving The Environment

This is a huge problem nowadays. I mean that we destroy our planet from day to day… “There is no Planet B!” – as the protesters say.

I could write a whole article about environmental protection, but now I would like to highlight just a few problems.


To raise livestock, and for the plants they eat, we need a lot of water.

By going vegan you can save up to 1100 gallons/1,519,823 litres of water per year! Sounds shocking, right?

Forest and Grain

For the same reason as I wrote above, also much forest area is required. Namely 10950 sq foot/1022 sq meters of the forest and this is just in 1 year and for one person!

forest and grass
Photo by Johannes Plenio from Pexels

What about grain? If you are going vegan for at least a year you can save6,607 kg/14,600 lbs of grain.

Carbon dioxide emissions

Why is that important? Scientists say the CO2 is the main reason for climate change, which is bad for our health, means more extreme weather, is bad for agriculture and our economy.

In one year 7300 lbs/3,322 kg of CO2 emission could be avoidable per person if you would stop eating meat!

I think these are huge numbers, and we should not ignore them. Because the truth is, I would like to live on Earth, not on Mars. How about you?

Reason #7 – You Can Be Healthier and Happier

This is pretty much everything we want in life, right? 🙂 And love, of course.

And these are all achievable if you are going vegan. Eating lots of fruit and veggies makes you healthier, and even happier!

strawberries in a bowl
Photo by Kyaw Tun on Unsplash

Studies have shown that the more fruit and vegetables you eat, the happier, calmer and more energetic you are that day, and this positive effect lasts even for the next day. Not chocolate is the key to happiness! Eat more fruits!

Reason #8 – You Can Defeat The Most Common Causes of Death

This is probably the number one reason why I became vegan! Although I love animals, I always heard that you can’t live without meat, you can’t get enough protein and so on…

But now, a lot of doctors and scientists say that you can! The wholefood plant-based vegan diet is a healthy (khm… the healthiest) diet.

Are you suffering from diabetes? Or did your family members die in cancer? You don’t have to share their fate!

In America, over 5 million people lose their lives each year as a result of cancer that could have been prevented. Human cancer can only be attributed to a small percentage of purely genetic factors. The rest of us have external factors, especially our diet.

From the Book How Not to Die

This means that what you eat matters! You can say that now you are just fine, you think that you are healthy and you love your food. But it doesn’t mean that years from now you won’t suffer from a disease. Why wait until then if you can prevent it now?

If you already have diabetes type 2 or high blood pressure, don’t be sad. It can be reversed! Just go vegan and in two weeks you will feel better. 🙂

There are many examples out there, proving that the plant-based diet works. Just read Dr Greger’s book or watch videos about it. But the best thing you can do is to try out yourself. 😉

Suggested reading in this topic: How Not To Die by Dr. Michael Greger

Reason #9 – You Can Eat Without Guilt

Have you ever felt guilty after eating a big bowl of ice cream, a meat lover pizza or 2 cheeseburgers? You can let this feeling go away, and still enjoy what you are eating. 🙂

On a plant-based diet you will be eating healthy and without cruelty. No more animals have to die because of you! 🙂

When I went vegan this was the first thing I felt immediately. I was enjoying my plant-based meal with the thought that no one suffered for this. Believe me, it is a pretty good feeling! 🙂

girl with melon
Photo by Caju Gomes on Unsplash

And you can still eat pizza, hamburger or even bacon! Just the vegan version. 🙂

Reason #10 – You Can Save Money

How can you save money on a vegan diet? Everybody says it is expensive but is it?

Yes, if you eat always substitutes like vegan sausage or vegan ice cream. But these are processed foods, which I don’t recommend eating all the time. Whilst you are transitioning to a vegan diet, these are better than animal products, but in the end, you have to focus on clean food like raw veggies and fruits.

So no, it can be even cheaper than your previous diet, if you buy seasonal foods and you plan your meals.

Another way that you will save money is by leaving your medicines. I used to take two type of meds for just one meal and I was only 26 years old! And it gets worse as you become older… There are people who take 15-16 type of medicine just one day, that is terrible. And doctors say they have to…

Photo by on Unsplash

Anyway, when I became vegan I could leave my meds and save some money, because I felt better (and I still feel this way).

Reason #11 – Vegan Food is Delicious!

What makes a hamburger so good? Not the meat, but the spices, the ketchup, the mustard, the lettuce and these things are all made of plants! (I know you say cheese, but psst! 😀 )

Or how delicious could a fruit be? Sweet, juicy and fresh, just like a peach or melon. 🙂

I love veggies like cucumber, bell pepper or celery dipping into hummus, it’s amazing!

You can try new things like tofu or tempeh, which are high in protein and fiber, and also delicious like this Teriyaki Tempeh in my latest post.

teriyaki tempeh

And have you ever tried baked sweet potato? It goes perfect with ketchup or BBQ sauce. 😉

What about banana ice cream? It is literally the easiest and healthiest ice cream you can have!

For more ideas and recipes I highly recommend this book by my favourite vegan doctor:

The How Not To Die Cookbook: Over 100 Recipes to Help Prevent and Reverse Disease

Reason #12 – You Will Be Part of a Loving and Kind Community

Another wonderful thing about going vegan is that a whole new world opens up to you. You can meet new people, who share your interest and passion. Who knows, maybe you will find the love of your life? 🙂

When I decided to go vegan, I also joined Instagram and some Facebook Groups. And I met wonderful people! They are all helpful, kind, and be there for you.


If you hesitate because you are afraid of what will your friends/family think about your decision, don’t worry. I recommend joining to groups, forums and the people there will help you through your journey to veganism. 🙂

Anyway, you’ve got a friend in me. 😉

Write to me or find me on social media, and I will more than happy to help you! 🙂





About Author

Hello, I am Suzie the face behind Suzinpsire. I am here to share my passion for gastronomy, vegan lifestyle and travel. I believe that if you want something in life you should give something first. This is why I blog. :)

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