guides and tips healthy lifestyle

How to be healthy 1o1


As I promised in my previous post about health, here are some tips how to be healthy in my opinion.  I am no doctor and I can’t make promises that you will be perfectly healthy if you follow this guide. But this is what works for me, this is what I have experienced. Also I share some tips from two books: How not to die (written by Michael Greger, MD with Gene Stone) and Home in Harmony (written by Christa O’Leary).

This is a beginner’s guide, so if you know something about health these might not be new to you. But I hope that will help someone at least.

Pin this to read it later. 😉

how to be healthy 101

You have to try to be healthy

First thing first you have to take it seriously. If you just dream about being healthy, nothing will happen. You have to get up and act like a person who truly believes in that she/he can reach whatever she/he wants.

Get your blood checked and run some other tests at least once a year

I think it is important to run some tests whether everything is all right. If you are young you should still go to see a doctor sometimes, because you can never know.

So get your blood checked, go to the dentist (this is what I am bad at, because somehow I hate them… no offense), women go to your gynecologist (this is really important, especially if you have an active sex life) and other medical examinations you need.

Eat well

If you ask me I think this is the most important and also the hardest part of becoming healthy. Nowadays a lots of people eat only because they are hungry. We eat in a hurry, because we are so busy all the time. We don’t have time to prepare our meal, we just buy something at the local store or order something. It is not healthy at all. We should sit down and eat our properly made food.

And what should this food be? That is a good question. There are so many diseases and allergies in the world. Most of the people in the world are lactose intolerant (including myself and also my boyfriend and my mom), there the people who cannot eat gluten, who are allergic to nuts and so on.

It makes the nutrition more difficult and complicated. I believe in that you should choose the food your body likes. Listen to it. How do you feel after drinking a glass of milk? Does your stomach hurt? Do you feel uncomfortable? If the answer is yes, you should probably avoid dairy.

Or another example if you eat oily meat with potatoes. Do you suffer for hours after consuming this food, do you feel like your stomach would explode? You should stay away for oily food and eating meat with starch (like potato, rice, pasta).

Plant based diet 🙂

What really works for me is the plant based lifestyle. Full of wholefoods, superfoods, vitamins and other good stuff, which makes your body feel alive. I eat only plants (I will experiment with mushroom later), which includes mostly vegetables, fruits and grains. The point is that I excluded all animal origin products from my meals. I am practicing this lifestyle for half a year, and I feel better than ever. Eating and digestion is not a torture anymore, and I also sleep better and feel more energized. But I will talk about that in another article.

Do sports

It is obvious, right? But so hard to stick with it. But it is really good for you. Of course with moderation. Don’t overdo it. I suggest to find yourself a way to move that you like. It could be running, jogging, cycling, yoga and other sports. I will write about sports that I tried.

Take a walk every day

Besides it is a form of exercise, you will be outside and get some fresh air and Vitamin D. As I was trying to be healthy I realized that exercise and healthy eating is not enough. You need some air and sunshine. So if you live in place where you can find a park or even go to the mountains, don’t hesitate, just go for a walk or a hike!

Or at least walk to your workplace/school/local store, I know it takes more time, but it is worth it!

at the mountains
Go for a hike
Photo by Tobi from Pexels

Try to avoid smoking, alcohol and other kind of drugs

I am not going to be the first one, who says that smoking is bad for you. Even though a lot of people smoke. I personally never smoked a single cigarette and I am proud of that! I tried to understand why people smoke, so I asked around. Some say they only smoke in company/in a party, others smoke when they are nervous, there are people who do it because their parents did and so on…

But if you truly want to be healthy, don’t do it! There are a lot of programs and help you can get to quit smoking. And if you are a person who did smoke, but now you don’t, let me know and I would like to take an interview with you and share your experiences to help others.

Alcohol is a tricky one, because it is legal, at not as bad as cigarettes. Really? I don’t think so. Well, I am not a saint, I used to drink alcohol, I was drunk too. Almost everybody was. But I realized that I don’t like it. I can’t control myself, I feel dizzy and sick the next day… Anyway, alcoholic beverages are expensive and even fattening. They are bad for your organs, especially for your liver… So even if you drink it, drink with moderation!

Drink a lot

Of course not alcohol 😀 Drink water, tea or even coffee. Try to avoid sugary beverages like Cola, soda, syrup and energy drinks! Energy drinks are the worst! Especially for young children, they should not drink it at all. People who consume this drinks have troubles sleeping, gain weight, their kidneys could be damaged. So I recommend you to stay away and drink water or tea instead. What I like to drink the most is home made shake or smoothie from fruits I like. 🙂


A daily recommendation of drinking is 4 to 7 cups of water for women and 6 to 11 cups for men (assuming only moderate physical activity at moderate ambient temperatures). Source:

Don’t take medicines if you don’t have to

I mean if your head hurts, don’t take aspirin right away. Try to drink more, talk a walk, get some air, grab a bite. Sometimes these are the causes of a headache. If your head hurts almost every day, you might have problems with your eye, so go to eye specialist.

Get enough sleep

It is very important! In our running society, when you have to work late, take your dog for a walk, cook dinner and other things, sleeping might seem overrated. But it isn’t, believe me. I had a period when I only slept 5-6 hours a night, or even less. It wasn’t enough at all. I was exhausted all the time, almost fall asleep during work or at the church… I have gained weight and didn’t really feel good. Now I know it was a stupid thing to do, I was hurting myself. Please, don’t do the same. Get enough sleep, at least 7-8 hours. It will take revenge on you, if you don’t give your body what it needs.

sleeping woman
Photo by bruce mars from Pexels

Don’t use the microwave

If you can, try to avoid the microwave, it destroys your body and brain. It can cause depression, anxiety and aggressive behavior. Even could led to cancer if you use objects that have electromagnetic fields.

Don’t sleep next to your phone

Also the electromagnetic fields… I know that we can’t live without our smartphones, we use it for almost everything. But at night, your body needs to rest. And the phone is disturbing. So switch it off, throw it away (I don’t mean it… :D), and use the good old fashioned alarm clock. Not the digital one of course.

Take care of your soul too

You not only have a body, but you have a soul as well. So take care of it. Do things what your soul likes, what makes it feel better. It can be reading a book, watching arts, take a walk in the nature, listening to some nice music, praying or meditation. The point is, that you are not a robot, you need to stop sometimes and be happy. You have a right to be happy, you have a right to feel good. If somethings bothers you, just say it. If you have a job that kills your soul, just quit. I believe in that even if your body dies, your soul will live forever. So that is what you should really care about.

I think this will be the closing thought, I finish my article here. If you have any question, or ideas just write a comment, or write directly to me. I hope I could help you at least a little. I ask you if any mentioned topic interest you and you like to know about that more, just let me know.

Have a nice evening and a wonderful week from tomorrow!




About Author

Hello, I am Suzie the face behind Suzinpsire. I am here to share my passion for gastronomy, vegan lifestyle and travel. I believe that if you want something in life you should give something first. This is why I blog. :)

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